
  • Why Should You Read The Complete Fintech Guide?

No matter where you live or the level of your experience, you will find this guide brimming with information for your financial education. Equities Reserves’ goal is to educate investors and bring transparent investing to anyone who wants it, not just the elite. The more you know about investing, the more confident you can be when making decisions. Expand your wealth building to include alternative investments you haven’t previously considered. This guide will introduce you to a broader world of investing. Enjoy!

  • What to Expect From This Guide

You’ll learn basic and advanced trading and wealth management techniques. Find tools to assess your personal risk level and develop your unique investment strategy. You’ll discover a wide range of different investments so you have options to best fit your goals. You’ll see how money grows and gain reasonable expectations for your wealth building. When you finish this book you will:
• Understand the ‘plague’ that stops investors from
making money
• Know which kinds of stocks will let you sleep at night
• Learn how to assess a company’s value so you don’t
• Find the ‘market maker’ secret to buying and selling for
best returns
• Understand cryptocurrencies and how to profit from
• Explore the world of currency trading most investors
never see
• Learn how debt can make you money
• Find five different ways to hold precious metals and
other assets for added security
• And much, much more

  • Who Is This Guide For?

This guide is for people who want to take control of their financial lives. It is aimed at young investors who have time to build their wealth. Experienced investors will find ways to expand and diversify their investments. And everyone interested in investing, trading, and building wealth will find it to be an extremely useful investment resource. New technology, such as the Equities Reserves trading platform democratises investing. Now, investing and wealth building become available to every person. This guide is for people who want the freedom to explore investing and the knowledge to do it well.

  • How to Get the Most from This Guide

If you are new to the world of investing, we recommend starting from the beginning and reading the book chapter by chapter. When you are finished, you will have the knowledge and confidence to invest. Likely, you will have a more advanced knowledge of investing than most of your friends and co-workers. Indeed, you may become the resident expert. If there is a particular investment opportunity that interests you, (like currencies or value investing) you can go there directly. Use our trading glossary to clear up any term or acronym you’re not familiar with. If you are a seasoned investor, check the table of contents for alternative investments. Use them to diversify and broaden your portfolio. Our promise is that readers will gain a comprehensive understanding about different investment opportunities. You’ll see solutions that can make your investing easy, enjoyable, and rewarding.

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